Devin Devine, Cairn Builder based out of Pennsylvania

The original tower, at LEAF 2023
I built the Leaning Tower of Llano Texas, with help, around this time last year, for the Llano Earth Art Fest.
Countless visitors to the park have taken photos of themselves and their children with the installation.
The tower, had a dry stone arch built into it, a gothic arch, and a chair. You remember the one.

Left, the old tower. Right, the old tower, dismantled nearly completely.
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Who would do such a thing?
The vandal, of course, prefers to remain anonymous. What, aren’t they proud of what they did?
So I understand angry or sad reactions: but I couldn’t be a part of that. I needed to rebuild, and I needed locals to help.
The Tower was built as part of an art festival, held in Llano every year. The organizer of the event told me that “for every one hater, there’s hundreds of people who loved your work being in the park”.
That’s good I told her–because I won’t rebuild it, if the people don’t want it there.

rebuilding, with local volunteers. Thanks Manny!
The vandal struck just over a week before the Total Solar Eclipse was scheduled. Thousands of people were going to show up for the eclipse. No way was I going to let it be a pile of rocks and a bummer of a story.
First of all: deep gratitude to the people of Llano Texas, BIG THANKS to all who helped me rebuild the The Leaning Tower of Llano AKA the House of Antaeus.
All of the volunteers who helped with the physical work, all who donated to cover expenses, and all who offered moral support, lodging, kind hospitality and great food: thank you, and warm regards from Pennsylvania. I’ve made it home, safe and sound.
The Cairn has been rebuilt. Local volunteers helped out every day of the project.

A few changes have been made. It’s shapelier and has a different top. More significantly: it now has two chairs, on opposite sides, facing different directions.
You see….
Some have speculated that the old tower was toppled, ***perhaps***, by a person who felt that their own religious faith or morality was under threat, by the presence of land art. Seems strange, to some of us.
Thus, we have two perspectives. Two different viewpoints. But both chairs have an aperture on the back rest, a tunnel which connects the two chairs…..and allows you to see the other person’s perspective, or at least some of it, if you only try, but a little.
***Then again, it could have been a teenager. Maybe it was just a bit of stupid fun.
But IF the vandal really was a full grown adult, one with a withered old heart full of hate and fear…..well, do you remember when the Grinch’s heart grew two sizes too big? Maybe (just maybe) the vandal feels that way now, seeing the tower risen again. Possibly.
Drone footage:
The ring went home with me. The rest stands, for now at least.
After all the love I received from the good people of this town….no way I could be bummed, even if it was toppled once again.

The “Dolmen” on the top however, stayed. Dolmen is used here, in quotes because it is a modern, and a miniature LINK.
Related: Memorial Cairn in Boston
I will tell you now, the Legend of Antaeus:
Antaeus was an wrestler in Greek legend, who no one could defeat.
He would stand by the roadside challenging all who passed by to wrestle him. Heroes, gods and giants: none could defeat him.
A son of Gaia, he drew all of his strength from the Earth. If you knocked him down, it would only put him in greater contact with the Earth, and he’d only come back stronger.
The House of Antaeus too, if you knock it down, it only comes back a little bit better than before.
Local volunteers.
Thank you to my local volunteers Tyler, Chelsea, Manny and Scott! And less local volunteer, Eric Ford too! And others who were there for less time, but still helped as they were able.
This list is woefully incomplete, but special thanks to Binky, Ron, Lynda, Tonja, Casey, Ella Daye, Gretchin, Terry, Rich, Charlie Jordan, Denton, and all of the awesome people of Llano!

Catch y’all on the flip-flop!
Thank You
love your work!