Devin Devine, artist based out of Pennsylvania
I have two new stone vases that I’d like to show you
Both are for sale and presently available. Serious inquiries email
Both are suitable for indoor or outdoor display.

Vase Sculpture, began 2015, completed 2023. Natural stone, 23 inches tall. Meant to be displayed as a sculpture, but also may serve as a functional planter.
Much of my work belongs to a genre of stone art which is called Lithedelic, or Lithedelia. This most recently completed vases is among them. This style of work is all about flow, thousands of well fit stones, with no mortar between them, all flowing with graceful movement.
Bonsai, with hand carved stone vase
This bonsai pot has 2 things in common with the vase about. A) it’s another small sized piece. The vase, I can move myself. Weighs less than 100 pounds. As a stone mason who’s used to moving heavy things around, it’s not much of a problem for me. A dolly/hand cart makes it even easier. The bonsai is only 4 inches tall: so long as both your hands work, you could probably move it around yourself, just fine. And B) both of these vases were a long time in the making.
I started this vase in 2015. Finished it–just last week!
Why’d it take so long?
There are unique challenges involved in this type of additive sculpture. These challenges are much greater–when the piece is miniature. Larger is easier. Also, I was experimenting in that this is the first lithedelic sculpture that I’ve built that’s been free form. All of the previous pieces I’d done were much larger. Mind you, I finished a different free-from piece, before this one. That’s—another story.
You can see how the shape is a little bit “off”. Slightly wonkified. THAT, is one of the reasons this one took me awhile.
The good news though? Is that now, I’m much more confident about how to complete miniature pieces like this in the future and also–how to complete free-form pieces like this, without any form or jog to keep them more symmetrical.

I’ll live with it as-is for a month or so. Perhaps I’ll end up taking out my tools and making the thing closer to being symmetrical. Or, I’ll decide I prefer it this way. Probably keep it this way. If you want a perfect version, just let me know–I’ll make one like this, but will use a form, the way I usually do.
I owe so much, in this life, to Mr Myagi.
So this one was a long time coming, just because it was one of those things….one of the “I’ll get around to it” things.
- My yard is full of oak trees. The acorns fall, the deer eat the acorns and the baby sapling trees. I’ve been collecting some of these sapling trees and potting them in regular flower pots. I have oaks, paw-paw (a native tree with delicious fruit) maples, hybrid chestnut trees, and false indigo trees in my (small) nursery. Sometimes, a hardscape customer of mine will have a property that needs a tree–and if I have something appropriate for the location, as far as light requirements go, I’ll gift a tree.
- I always loved bonsai and terrariums and miniature landscapes…
- I’m always carving bird baths and candle holders–both of which, are such a small step away from being a bonsai. As you can see–it was inevitable that I’d eventually have these on offer.

Will keep this one, for myself, and will make more–for you. Check back in 10 years or so, to see what this one looks like. Made from glacial boulder wild harvested in the Poconos.
Thank You