Devin Devine: traveling stone mason, artist

Natural stone, dry laid with no mortar. The stones are fit tight without any visible saw-cuts, for a snug, yet natural fit. This method of flagstone cutting is described HERE.

dry laid stone, flowing stone inlay
Stone art, San Francisco CA

More stone art by Devin Devine
- planetoids stone sphere sculptures
- Squiggly Noodle
- outdoor art mosaics
- places to sit (hand made stone benches)
- planting vessels
- places for birds to bathe (hand carved stone bird baths)
- Stone Egg
I’ve done stone masonry and stone art on both coasts, public and private commissions. General serving area includes:
Devon PA | Chester Springs PA | Irvington NY | Yonkers NY | Westchester NY | Bryn Mawr PA | Paoli PA | San Francisco CA | Silver Spring MD
Beautiful, I love it! especially cool is the fact that you can’t tell if a saw was used and the stones are fit pretty tight, but look natural.
Good eye. Yes, we do use saws and grinders (as well as hammers and chisels) to cut patio stones–but it is important that you never see evidence of that. Must look natural, and with no perfectly sawn edges. Thank you.
What are the depths of the materials beneath the flagstones here? Base depth? DG depth? ‘Sand’ depth? And how thick are the flagstones?
Road base gravel foundation is 4 – 5 inches. This job is in San Francisco CA….when I work in warm places like CA, I go 4 inches. In colder places like Pennsylvania and New York, it’s 6 inches or more.
No Sand.
DG is used as a leveling agent–each stone is leveled up and DG or crusher fines is used as needed (half inch to inch and a half-ish).
Flagstones are around an inch and a half to 2 inches thick.