Devin Devine, land artist and stone mason based out of Pennsylvania
PURCHASE the 2023 calendar
So about those 2023 stone art calendars…
They turned out awesome! Buy NOW. Only $22
12 months of colorful flowing stone art.
Note, these preview images have all been cropped, cutting off the top of the picture, and most of the calendar grid beneath that. There’s a thumbnail page at the bottom, that shows small versions of all months, in full.

A friend/fan/customer helped with the design work–incorporating my pen and ink artwork into every month.

Each month contains original pen and ink art, just beneath the photo–and this pen and ink art is overlaid with a color, taken from the photo.

You gotta eat! The spiral herb garden is designed so that you create micro climates, allowing you to grow herbs with varying light and water needs–right next to each other.

Have a seat! Sometimes, my job is to do as little as possible–and preserve as much of nature’s work, as possible, which creating a functional piece.

Quartz stones were unearthed while building this pathway–and put to good use.

No straight lines! No modern tools used on this project either–just a shovel and a hammer.

Dry set stone mosaic

my second dry stone sphere, from a few years back
Printing was delayed but it was well worth the wait! Sure, there may have been a minor snafu along the way, but because of that delay, we were able to do a last minute re-design–and the results are so much better because of it. Pre-order sales have been mailed and should be delivered before Christmas!
Related Content: New Gallery of Selected Works
Ornamental steel hand rail with sacred geometry. This might be my last bit of field work for 2022. However, I do not lament hard work, rather, I’d usually rejoice in the challenge and exalt in the athletic physicality of the process. But a little bit of well earned rest and relaxation is a blessed thing(says the guy who dropped a stone last month).
Speaking of rest: tune in early next month. We got new bird bath designs cooking up, soon enough we’ll be grinding ’em out. More sacred geometry steel art and fabrication in the works, too!
Santa always knows what to bring me:
Left: rock pick hammer with carbide tip on the blade side only, from t&h.
Right: rawhide mallet which you can Purchase Here.
Better than a regular dead blow hammer, I find. It’s funny to me that more stone guys don’t go with the raw hide, I’ve grown to prefer leather over rubber, any day.
New Process Video–Sphere With Integrated Patio And Wall
New Video. Lithadelic Sphere the Seventh. I’m not saying that I overwork myself on these sorts of pieces–but I did drop a stone. Seriously, I lost a stone! “Stone” is a British unit of measurement equaling 20 pounds. I stepped on a scale after completing this piece and yea, I’d lost a stone.
But then, I found a few along the way, too. In various colors, textures and mineral compositions. When we meet it’s like a chemical interaction–if there’s any interaction at all, we both are changed forever.

Late night elemental art ritual.