Devin Devine, landscape artist
Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting
Very low voltage.
Your typical outdoor lighting system is just that: typical. They won’t last long, but that’s okay I suppose, if you want to have disposable items in your landscape. Buy one of my candle holders however–and it’ll be in your family for generations.
This one feels good to announce. Feels like a bit of a homecoming, for me. 20 years ago, there was a period of time where every single job I did had outdoor lighting included as part of the contract. I worked for a couple of not very creative landscape contractors. Every job these guys had was the same: paver walkway or patio, dwarf viburnums, hostas and astilbe for the plants, and every job had low voltage lighting. Back then, circa 2002, I started coming up with ideas for outdoor light fixtures…
Related: bird baths and wildlife water basins

Pathway–lined with candle holders, rather than your typical light fixtures

pyramid lantern
Related: 3 rivers, dry laid mosaic path
Visit my work in person at Stonehedge Gardens in Tamaqua PA. Or, arrange a time to meet up with me at my secret mountain hideaway near Lake Harmony, in the beautiful Poconos in North East PA.
Tune in later on this week for some ephemeral garden art. Hint: it might involve spheres, tentacles and eyes.
And come back next week to see what happens in Ireland at the Talamh Land Art Festival!

Modern Ogham Stone. The text reads “Talamh” which is Irish for Land, Soil.
Thank You