Devin Devine, land artist, bench maker
Eyes On Trees

The trees have eyes. Oak eyes, set unto an oak tree.
Often, when I look at trees I’ll see eye-like patterns among the bark. Here, I’ve taken reclaimed pieces of oak and carved them into eyes, using a wood burner to draw the iris and pupil.
Related content: the solar eye mosaic

Kinda like those tree faces…only it’s just eyes. And it’s hand made, from natural materials.

oak eye on white birch tree
Cooking up some new benches. I’ve been collecting some pretty specimen boulders to work with:
Oh she’s pretty in pink alright. It’s actually incomplete in this photo–there’s an engraving on the top piece, a spiraling and be-speckled wave form reminiscent of the Devine Escapes logo. Will polish it up and post updated photos, in good time. Click here to see more benches..
Short video of the pretty in pink stone bench:
So I did the Llano Earth Art Fest (LEAF) in Llano Texas last month

I call her Sogwa-Ma. No time to tell her full story, but for right now it will suffice to say that she is related to Squiggly Noodle.

Awesome festival, highly recommended for all practitioners and fans of land art. There were rock balances, cairns, mandalas, sand castles, bamboo sculptures…and every awesome thing you could imagine. Thanks Binky!
more stone art:
- planetoids orbs and wondrous balls o’ stone
- eggs
- vases
- benches
Short video, Devin painting eyes at Llana Earth Art Fest:
How to make home made charcoal:
- Cut some lengths of stick. Here, I used grape vine.
- Secondly, put ’em in an old cookie tin, or paint can (clean out the old paint first!)
- Next, poke holes in the lid and place the tin in a camp fire.
- After the fire has burned down and the tin has cooled down, open it up–with any luck you’ll have decent quality charcoal sticks for drawing.
Yes, I did teach a natural paint making workshop at LEAF too. The video however is me using home made charcoal, not home made paint. More on the paints–in a future post.

Balcony seating. Stone bench that me and my team installed overlooking the stage at LEAF. Temporary graffiti by Patty St Louis in the lower right. The drawing, of course, is of rock balances….but when you get up close you realize she accomplished this by tracing the cracks that were already present, in the concrete.

dry stone mosaic, eye mandala/fire circle–work in progress
More benches, mandalas, stone art and eyes….coming soon!