Devin Devine, stone artist based out of Pennsylvania


dry stone pyramid

Medium: New York Bluestone
Size: 4′ tall
Year: 2024

Commissioned piece, private residence in New York State.

It seems to me that a pyramid is like unto a sphere, in a way. The sphere is a 3d version of a circle, while a pyramid is a 3d extension of a square.

When you create a stone circle, or a stone sphere–there’s a center, and an outer edge. With pyramid, you have a strong center point, but in this case it is elevated to the top of the shape. We all, as humans respond to a pyramid in a primal sort of way. It’s made of stone, shaped like a mountain, but symmetrical, and aligned with the cardinal directions. The sense of being grounded, and the presence of Gravity is stronger, I think, with this shape, than any other perhaps. How could any shape be more grounded?

See More Dry Stone Sculpture: HERE

dry stone pyramid garden sculpture

To all who suggest that Aliens, or Alien tech may have been involved…

Responding to such alien related comments on social media, I’ve came up with two responses:

  1. I posted process pics, to prove it wasn’t built by aliens……but I’m not saying anything about who taught me, or where they came from. ALSO
  2. It’s a simple matter of acoustic technology. Just say AHohmmMMMM, getting the MMMMM all buzzy up in your nasal cavity, causing third eye vibration, whilst visualizing the stone lifting.

dry stone pyramid garden sculpture

about the ancient temple builders

The world over, they went to the pyramid shape, more than any other. Sure, some say the ancients were mimicking the shape of a mountain. The central mountain, the axis mundi. Others point out the obvious: they were building the strongest shape possible. The shape is similar to the angle of repose–a pile of gravel or soil or sand or rock will naturally comport itself, and be stable–at a certain angle. So a) the ancients built the simplest stable shape. But also, b) maybe the pyramids that they built just lasted longer, so we have so many of them left. Over 200 in Sudan. China has them, Arabia, South East Asia, South America….and now, to confound future archeologists–New York, too.


I do enjoy building things with an ancient feel.

Here’s a video on the subject:

Go back to the video now, and sub. There you are!

Thank you for looking


–okay, one more. Presenting the Great Pyramid of New York State:

Thank you

eco artist Devin Devine land art terminology