The Stone Art Chronicles

featuring the ongoing adventures of Devin Devine

doing stone work in the winter

  building a heat tent How to do stone work in the winter time. One common method is to set up scaffolding as the frame for your heat tent, and then drape a large sheet of plastic over it. This method works well and is pretty fast to set up and furthermore it is...

hillside stone path through the butterfly garden

Devin Devine, stone mason and bench maker, Blakeslee pennsylvania stone path through the butterfly garden in Wayne PA Orange highlights pop, adding a bit of charm and sparkle to this hillside stone path. The orange (rhymes with storage, sort of!) is from 3 pieces of...

bluestone and rust

Devin Devine, contractor based out of Blakeslee Pennsylvania, projects competed across the USA contact Short Answer: use muriatic acid Like This muriatic acid, with this scrub brush, not a wire brush, as the acid will destroy the steel. 1 on 1...

Hand Carved Stone Bathroom Sink

Devin Devine, stone mason and artist based out of Blakeslee Pennsylvania 610-301-4269 Hand Carved Stone Sink in Philadelphia   Hand carved from a single piece of Basalt, this stone sink was commissioned by an interior designer and...