The Stone Art Chronicles
featuring the ongoing adventures of Devin DevineDry Stone Pyramid in New York
Devin Devine, stone artist based out of Pennsylvania Medium: New York Bluestone Size: 4' tall Year: 2024 Commissioned piece, private residence in New York State. It seems to me that a pyramid is like unto a sphere, in a way. The sphere...
the legend of the house of Antaeus
Devin Devine, Cairn Builder based out of Pennsylvania contact I built the Leaning Tower of Llano Texas, with help, around this time last year, for the Llano Earth Art Fest. Countless visitors to the park have taken photos of themselves and...
End of Winter Report
Devin Devine, traveling stone mason based in Pennsylvania 610-301-4269 Not much stone masonry to be done in North Eastern Pennsylvania, come mid winter, but the snow covers and decorates my cairns and dry stone sculptures, nicely. Also, we did...
stone path details
Devin Devine, stone mosaic artist based in Pennsylvania Projects completed across the USA, Last project from 2023 Like a pebble mosaic--but it isn't. I always appreciated pebble mosaic paths. I also appreciate dry stone work. How...
keep the stone dust DOWN
Devin Devine, stone mason based in NEPA, projects completed across the USA email A Flight of Stone. This is a story that I remember our third grade teacher telling us Once upon a time there was a king who's youngest daughter was of marrying...
Alternative Outdoor Lighting
Devin Devine, landscape artist Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting Very low voltage. Your typical outdoor lighting system is just that: typical. They won't last long, but that's okay I suppose, if you want to have disposable items in your...