Devin Devine, your favorite stone artist
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
How many stories are there in the stones? Each individual stone has it’s story. I have my own story, for each individual stone: how they came into my life, how long I held on to them for, how I shaped them for one project, saved a leftover bit, and eventually incorporated it into the current project.

Flagstone Spiral Patio
Now taking orders for the 2025 Stone Art Calendar
Pre-order sales are expected to ship by Thanksgiving
The stars you know, they are scattered like sand upon a beach. Like leaves tossed by a wind. And the image as a wholeness, tells a story.

Follow the flagstone spiral path and it will take you away, on a journey to meet the Wizard.
The language-like patterns of the bark on a tree. Peel off that bark, find worm trails and insect scratches, reminding us once again of written language. The bark, as well as the worms and insects, is self-built with no manual, except for DNA, a language of life. And 90 percent of all DNA is non-coding, unused, so-called “junk dna”. What great stories do we all contain, as yet unbeknownst?
And the Mythical Magical Flagstone Spiral here–is it a double spiral, like unto our DNA?
Or is it a double rainbow, possibly the luckiest of all Earth Omens, and the cheeriest?
Like with leaves scattered, like with leaves upon the trees in a forest, these stones show us repetition with variation. Generally, each stone you see here was a decision. What color goes here, what shape goes there. Do I want a burgundy stone, or a yellow one, a dot or a dash? But happy accident and serendipity are part of the play too. An inch of stone chips off unintentionally–all good. They’re birds now, happy birds. Sometime mistakes like this, opportunity steaks, I like to call them, sometimes these mistakes lead to a big change,a joyous new direction.
The dots and dashes may tell a story in mores code. Or binary coding. And wait, this is all dots and dashes, so it’s binary…..but it’s multi color, so it’s rainbow.I’m not saying that means something, but I sometimes suspect a lot of things have more meaning than we can immediately see.
Maybe if we calculate infinity, we’ll make it back to ONE, I don’t know fo’ sho tho.
but yolo fomo so go loco cocoa, in Kokomo
it’s Elf Language. I use stones to write my poetry using Elf Language, the significance of the shape patterns, color patterns and the dots and dashes is just Elf Language. The poetry thusly encoded is a song I wrote at age 12. It still slaps.
for a limited time only: the 2025 stone art calendar
“Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted.”
What happened?
He lived happily ever after.
Are you at all familiar with the work of Andy goldsworthy?
Sure. Very influential amongst the ephemeral artists. Is he doing anything of interest lately?
Wow! Thanks for putting together such an informative site! Your YouTube videos brought me here as I research a DIY flagstone path project. For a northern climate (Maine), how deep do you recommend going for road base material “foundation”? How deep do you go for your stone dust topper/leveling layer? Thanks!
Hello. yes in Maine I would do 8″ maybe 10 of compacted road base. I lay road base on 4″ lifts. I may mix in some 2 inch to 3 inch chucks of rock/rubble/brick into the first lift.
I do not do the stone dust topper to any particular depth, nor do i consider it a topper. The foundation is completed. Then the stones laid out. then each one lifted up and leveled using as much stone dust as needed. –But I don’t go deeper than 1/5 maybe 2″ with just stone dust.
1″ stone loose–is fine.
If 1/5 to 2″ is needed–then I add an inch or so of the stone dust, tamp, then add the final inch loose.
If there’s so much variation to the stone thickness that you need to add more than 2″ stone dust–then use gravel. tamp. Then an inch of stone dust.