End of Winter Report

Devin Devine, traveling stone mason based in Pennsylvania devin@devineescapes.com 610-301-4269 Not much stone masonry to be done in North Eastern Pennsylvania, come mid winter, but the snow covers and decorates my cairns and dry stone sculptures, nicely.  Also, we did...
Ask Devin: how do you get started?

Ask Devin: how do you get started?

  Devin Devine, artist stone mason PURCHASE a 2023 Stone Art Calendar by clicking HERE Ask Devin: how do you get started doing dry stone sculpture? I was asked, “how does one get into this field. Is it possible to pursue as a hobby? Any recommendations?”...

Pavers Versus flagstone

Pavers versus flagstone What type of patio or walkway to build? Pavers—cheap. Maybe not ugly but….how often does a a person point to an individual paver and say wow, how beautiful this paver is? Huge environmental impact Concrete—cheaper, even huger ecological...