stone cutting tool talk

Hello everybody, I’m Devin Devine and welcome to another edition of Stone Art Chronicles, the adventure continues. Today we’re going to talk about stone saws. Q: should a dry stone mason be allowed to use modern power tools? Oh, you need to ask better...

No plastic in the landscape

Devin Devine, human being who does stuff outside Canvas tarps, for landscaping and contracting purposes For landscapers and contractors, sure. How many tarps does the average contractor go through a year? How many little blue threads of tarp plastic do I find, pretty...

Splitting boulders using cut-nails

Hello everybody, welcome to the Devine Escapes Stone Arts Academy. My name is Devin Devine, and today I wanted to talk to you about a little known method for splitting stones. This is a technique I’ve been developing over the past few years, using small masonry...

doing stone work in the winter

  building a heat tent How to do stone work in the winter time. One common method is to set up scaffolding as the frame for your heat tent, and then drape a large sheet of plastic over it. This method works well and is pretty fast to set up and furthermore it is...