Devin Devine, stone fountain maker
Sometimes the goal is to do as little as possible. In the case of this two tiered fountain, all I did was combine 3 stones together, whilst doing as minimal cutting and carving as needed.
The Pocono Pink flagstones, which I used for the basins–are also stones which I helped pull out of the ground myself.
Boulder Fountain: Pocono Pink Flagstone water basins, paired with sandy west Mountain Boulder
This fountain is elegant in its simplicity, It also makes a lovely and soothing cascade. Watch the short video embedded above, with the sound turned ON. We installed this 2-level stone bird bath / boulder fountain, last week, at the same place where we built this patio and walkway, a couple years back. Dimensional circular patio, with outcroppings, and irregular flagstone path, Rehoboth Beach Delaware
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I get comments on my posts sometimes, like, “Ooh, you should make your spheres and/or other stacked stone sculptures into a fountain!”
But my answer has always been, why bother? These works are already interesting enough–how would the addition of moving water help–especially in the case of my Lithedelic works–where the stones already are set to move like water.
And so many gardeners and artists, that’s what they do: make water features. And they’re cool. But that’s what they do. It’s cool, and I may do similar–if inspired.
But then the 2 Tier Bird Bath concept came to me. My first thought was just to have it be a bird bath…but no, it needed the moving water. So I did some drilling, purchased a solar water pump and built an underground basin.
Made this one, a month or two later though.

No moving water on this one though. When I delivered this to the customer, there was some talk about how it might be cool with moving water too though, so idk, maybe.
Maybe I’ll just start doing a lot of fountains. We’ll see!
Beautiful work!
You’re awesome. Thank you
beautiful Devin!
Another great piece truly enjoy watching you work.
nice work, I love the red sandstone.
You find it around here–but big, flat slabs like this (and that are sturdy stone, not flakey rock) only grow in one location, that I know of.