Be gentle

The first masonry jobsite I was ever on, we were setting cobble stones. Well, I was carrying blocks, and bags of concrete.

A frog got into the space behind some cobble stones– right in the danger zone. The frog was about to get crushed. I was like, “hold up, there’s a frog!” The other guys shrugged and kept working. Or rather, they tried to.

So I jumped up in there. Frog getting crushed? Not on my watch. Boss told me in a gruff manner to “get out of there!”

I was like, sure, but just a moment. I got the frog to safety. There was no great economic cataclysm caused, no one missed their mortgage over it. More importantly, the frog didn’t get killed stupidly and for no reason.

Only took a moment.

They tried to act as if it was unmanly to save a small life. They were wrong.

Be gentle.

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be gentle to yourself and the world

Never curse at a stone. If the stone breaks the wrong way on you: you simply struck it the wrong way, or the stone simply had a hidden fault. Cursing at the stone won’t help the situation, calling the stone names won’t help.

If you’re playing a sport and the ball doesn’t land–do you blame your equipment? If you’re playing a video game and Sonic fails to make the jump–do you blame the controller? Do you respect a gamer who does blame the controller? If you are teaching a child and the child doesn’t get the lesson, do you yell at them? Would it help, if you did? Talk nice to your stones.

Be gentle to the world.

Thank You

eco artist Devin Devine land art terminology